IT’S about more than JUST GARDENING


Eco Friendly Food Gardening


Eco friendly food Gardening with Ernest

By using eco friendly food gardening methods we can grow a greener planet. I am a holistic gardener, I care about our environment, and I am concerned about global warming and the growing list of endangered animals.

I believe environmentally friendly living starts at home, with what we grow and eat. For example a garden that uses the polyculture method is productive and also benefits biodiversity.

Eco friendly polyculture food garden the "Three Sister" method.

Eco friendly food gardening is what I do

We have to start growing food sustainably and that starts at home. By growing some of our own eco friendly food in our garden we are helping our planet.

Eco friendly food gardening starts with a seed

You can grow food without owning a garden

You can grow vegetables without owning a garden, even in tiny spaces and in built up urban areas. There are so many ways you can grow vegetables and other edibles plants in a limited space.

Eco friendly gardening is about sustainability

Simply put, sustainable food gardening is a way of growing food organically, in your garden that does not harm the planet. If you garden sustainably and grow some of your own food using sustainable methods, you can assist in the fight against climate change by helping to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, one garden at a time.

Eco friendly gardeners conserve water

Water is precious

So we all need to become water wise. By adopting earth friendly gardening methods, such as mulching, we can drastically reduce the amount of tap water we need for our edible plants.

Water restrictions are becoming a regular thing, our summer’s are becoming hotter and drier. We have some great tips for growing veg in a drought.

Let’s also talk about the Earth, beginning with the ground.

The ground is alive

Soil is a wildlife habitat, 25 percent of the Earth’s animal species live in or under the soil. The earth is a living skin, a healthy soil is full of decomposing material, which locks in carbon.

When soil is damaged and it’s skin is broken, CO2 is released into the atmosphere.

Therefore the “No Dig” method of gardening is know being utilised by eco friendly gardeners throughout the world.

Eco friendly, sustainable food gardening

Gardening with Ernest

Ernest and I

Ernest and I would also like to introduce you to other methods of growing vegetables and other edible plants, that are sustainable and eco friendly. Such as Forest Gardening.

And we will show you how to recycle and reuse organic waste in your garden.

As well as how you can use wild plants and weeds.

Lastly we want to encourage biodiversity. Therefor we shall crawl in to the corners were insects dwell and explain why pests are essential in a healthy garden.

Altogether we can make a difference. Because it’s more than just gardening.

Eco friendly food gardening is a balancing act

Here at Garden with Ernest we are trying to balance our needs with the needs of the natural world, on which we all depend. Gardening should be a healthy activity, it should improve our health and wellbeing and help the environment too.

Lastly Ernest and I would like to thank you for reading.
